Monday, November 07, 2005

Establishing Goals... and Remembering Them

I have a couple of writing buddies that help keep me accountable for what I've said I'll do. We set goals each week, then see if we've been able to achieve those goals.

My problem? For whatever reason, I don't remember that I've set the goals.

For example, last Sunday my goals were: 1) write at least 12K on my NaNoWriMo, 2) finish my short story, and 3) keep up with Pro Bootcamp (which is a 3-week online "class" for members of RWA who have Pro status, i.e., they've submitted (and, in some cases, been rejected) a novel-length manuscript to an RWA-recognized publisher.

How did I do? Well, on #1, I managed just over 10K. While that keeps me "on goal" for the purposes of NaNoWriMo, I didn't meet my personal goal. Because I didn't remember I'd set it. (Can you see me rolling my eyes?)

On #2... well, that one I did accomplish. Finished the story and submitted it, and started a new one.

#3 was pretty easy, so it really doesn't count.

This week I'm determined to write at least 14K on NaNoWriMo (2K above my personal goal of last week, since I missed it by 2K) and finish the current short story.

Now, if I can only remember... Oh, write it down, you say? Yeah. I could do that. Hmm.

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