Blogging Ideas
On one of my writer loops, authors have been asking others where they get their ideas for their blogs. For me, like all of my writing, it's totally seat-of-the-pants. I live a very boring life, made even more so since I'm not working an outside job and am no longer privy to the public foibles of other human beings. Well, I'm not a hermit, I go shopping, to the movies, out to eat, etc., but there's nothing like a Dilbert workplace to give you lots and lots of fodder. Unfortunately, I didn't begin blogging until after I'd quit a job that was driving me insane and most likely to an early grave.
I blog about things I'm learning as a writer, things that are going on in my life (large and up-front primarily being NaNoWriMo--at which I'm totally sucking at this point--and my new Low-Carb lifestyle), things that are going on in my writer friends' lives, etc.
Speaking of which, let me rabbit-trail here for a minute. Jeanne Laws and Sloane Taylor have both finalled in the CONNections contest in the erotic romance category. Sloane also finalled in the "best first meeting" category. Their entries are on their way to the final round of judging. Woo and hoo! I wish they both could win first place!
Back to blogging... An interesting blog that I came across yesterday is by Ronda Thompson, best-selling romance author. Ronda's blog is a serialized fiction story that she's writing with herself as the main character, written in first person. The writing is very clever, and quite funny. She said that her blog site has gotten 2500 hits in the few months she's been doing it. That sure as hell beats my roughly 60-70 a month. (And thank you, my beautiful friends, for commenting on my blog. It makes me feel much less lonely out here in cyberland.)
So, I think, maybe I could do something like that. Oh, not every day, come on. But once or twice a month, maybe? Something that is just out there for fun, without having to worry too much about GMC, plot holes, etc. Of course, mine would have to be a PG version of what I normally write. LOL.
I might just try it as an experiment. Blog on normal, boring stuff most of the time, and a couple of times a month, the next installment. We'll see how it goes. And, for inspiration, here's another pic of my Muse, Urian (maybe he needs to give your Muse some lessons about what to do with towels, eh, Kate?):So, what do you think? Good idea, or bad? If you think it's a good idea and, keeping in mind that I write erotic romance--and keeping it fun!--anyone have any ideas for a story?
I was just thinking that. Get the Vixen round robin up again even though I'm a drop out.
Send him over, Kate, but tell him not to stay too long. The last thing I need (well, not the last thing, I'm pretty sure I could, um, handle things) is two nearly-naked Muses. One nearly naked Muse is inspiration, two are pure temptation. I'd never get anything, um, productive done.
As far as doing a round robin... I'm open to that. But, and I am unanimous in this, we'd have to do better than the Vixen round robin, which went great for one round, not as well on the second round, and has sputtered and died. This one would be done for fun, yes, but as we build a readership, people would start to expect us to deliver.
You two game?
Oooh, nice towel hook. ;^) As for ideas, I wondered if the three of you ever considered putting any of your shorter (novella length?) stories together to make an anthology. You might consider blogging on that possibility. You know -- what, if any, the theme would be, etc. I don't know if it's a practical idea from the business side of writing, but it might be a creative jolt. :^) hugs, you creative, productive writing women, you! ~Su, hoping to jump on your train of creativity someday
Okay, Sherrill, how do you expect a writer to write if all their time is spent slobbering on the keyboard looking at Urian. And ditch the damn towel already! What is it with you and Kate and those blasted towels!?!
Well, now, Sloane, this site doesn't have a "cover your children's eyes" warning, so Urian needs to hang on to that towel if I'm gonna be showing him off. And I gotta tell you--Urian is great inspiration. I've done about 1,500 words today so far and I'm right in the middle of a sex scene, so I'm gonna get at least another 500 words or so out of it. :)
Thanks loads, Sherrill, for that link to Ronda Thompson's blog. Looks like some good reading.
I just blog with my mind in neutral. What comes out is usually how I'm feeling, and I sort of orbit around that emotion.
I think you guys should set up a blog with the three of you to start, then one of you start a story. And each week or month or fortnight the next one in line writes another chapter. By NOT demanding heavy plot/Motivation (except for sex)/complications, you could just have fun with it and get a smorgasbord of styles all piled together. This HAS been done before in novels where each chapter was by a different writer, but so what? If it's fun, DO IT.
Thanks for the ideas, gang. We'll see how this little experiment goes. :)
That model always makes for an interesting view! ;)
Don't ya know it! :)
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