Monday, March 13, 2006

When The Words Won't Come

What do you do when the words just won't come?

I know I should just put my fingers to the keys and type drek, if that's what comes out. But I can't even get that much.

And that's unacceptable.

I feel sometimes like my life is out of control--I can't control my writing, I can't control my eating, I can't control myself. The entire month of February was wasted. The first half of March is nearly gone and I have nothing to show for it.

Damn. It.

Something's gotta give.

I just hope it ain't me.

(Go over to Indulgence and read Kate's latest installment of Fire and Ice. It's terrific!)


Sherrill Quinn said...

Hey, Kate. I guess I know the words will come back--I just wish they'd come back NOW. They're there, but it's like pulling them through thick mud to get them on the screen. (sigh) I think I'll give myself today off--officially--and see what tomorrow brings.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Chey. The only problem with me going out and plugging in at a cafe or coffee shop is I'm such a people-watcher, I'd be too busy watching/listening to get writing done. *G* But I hear what you're saying about just getting it done.

Anonymous said...



Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Jenna. I don't like feeling this way, rudderless, out of control, worried.

Sh**. I'm being really pathetic, aren't I? :(

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Kate. :)

Anonymous said...

Taking a break and people watching is such a good idea. Wish I'd thought of it :)

Take the day off, Sherrill and go do something fun. You might have been pushing too much at the end of last year and in Jan, and your creative well needs refilling.

Hang in there, you have friends out here.

T.A.Chase said...

Hey everyone else has said...take time out and go do something else. I usually read or just get out of the house.

For me this past week has been hard to get words to pulling teeth and I want to finish this story I'm working on by the end of the month. Don't see that happening.

Call some friends up and go for a drink..people watching might spark the creativity.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, I'm watching the carpet guy clean my carpets and, since I had to put makeup on and fix my hair (you gotta understand, nobody but me and my family sees me without makeup!) I might as well go out once he's done. It's a beautiful sunny day; might just put some gas in the car and head up the mountain. :)

Thanks, Nancy & T.A. I truly appreciate the support!

smr said...

{{{{{Sherrill}}}}} Misery loves company, but I wouldn't wish this misery on ANYone just for the company -- especially a writer friend! <:/ It's an awful, awful feeling. I hope the words begin flying out of your fingertips real soon! ~Su

nrybh: a vulgarity uttered when writer's block creeps in and words won't come

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Su. I appreciate your support. It helps.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, HM. We have known each other a long time, haven't we? It's almost scary, how long it's been. :)