Another Weekend Bash At The Raven
Mandy Roth and Michelle Pillow have opened up their readers group once again for outside authors to come in and talk about their books, post excerpts and *hint, hint* have contests. The Bash runs from March 10-12. If you're not already a member of The Raven Vampire Nightclub (Mandy & Michelle's readers group), get on over and join. Mandy and Michelle are two of my favorite authors, on my "automatic" to buy list.I'll be posting excerpts and holding a contest. The only thing you'll need to do to be entered is join Indulge Authors' readers group--the author group of Jenna Howard, Kate Lang and myself. Anyone who is already a member is automatically entered; anyone new who joins between now and midnight on Sunday March 12th will be entered as well.
What's the prize? you ask. Well ... I'm going to have a few chances to win free downloads of my available books, as well as second place prizes. So, lots of chances to win!
So, come on over to The Raven to read excerpts of lots of great books, but don't forget to join Indulge Authors!
I'm with Cheyenne, the artwork is what caught my eye.
Yeah, Mandy and Michelle both have great artwork on their sites.
I should mention that if you're an author and you want to add excerpts, you have to put your name on the database on the group site (at Raven). :) Otherwise, you can participate as a reader.
I'll warn you, too, that during these weekend bashes the volume is tremendous. You should set your profile to no-mail and just go to the group site to read the messages. No kidding. It gets really crazy.
Me too.
Thanks for the warning, Sherrill.
Though I won't be able to participate tomorrow night. I have plans...
cihckeky: a chicken with a stutter.
Okay that wasn't supposed to be Anonymous that was me...Kate.
Off to take some Tylenol Migraine for this headache...
xlhgr: extra large hugger
You too, what, Jenn? You joined? Or you're really crazy too? :)
Sorry 'bout the headache, Kate. Get better.
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