Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rewriting Really Hurts

So I'm in the process of rewriting this manuscript, cutting and pasting, adding here, deleting there. Spent several hours yesterday devoted to that endeavor, only to finally admit that it wasn't gonna happen. The frickin' thing needs to be completely rewritten. Oh, I think I can save the first two chapters, but everything else... slashed and burned. Oy vay. It really hurt.

Really. Hurt. Like sticking-a-finger-in-my-eye hurt.

But I am determined this will get done. I saved just over 20,000 words, so I'm really just writing a novella at this point. Another 25,000 words or so and I'll be there. Stay focused on GMC, forget about the words that were and write the words that are.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, my friend. I feel your pain.