Wednesday, October 05, 2005


What exactly is Erotic Romance (EroRom)?

Let me start by telling you what it is not. It is not porn. At the risk of sounding too simplistic, porn is a medium primarily used by men for straightforward sexual gratification. The titillation factor, so to speak. Slam, bam, thank you ma'am. EroRom is not erotica. Erotica is concerned with the sexual interaction of the characters. There may or may not be romance involved, but if there is, it is a by-product, not the focus.

EroRom is romance with sizzle. The focus is entirely upon the hero and heroine's relationship. Sex between the two moves the story forward, is crucial to their development, both individually and as a romantic pair. The reader is brought into the bedroom with the characters, not stopped with the door closing in their face and having to leave the rest up to their imagination or, worse yet, wade through soppy euphemisms. Happily ever after (or the promise of) is a must.

A good EroRom has a solid plot, believable characters with believable motivations and flaws. There are the normal sub-genres, just like you'd find in traditional romances: paranormal, time travel, contemporary, sci-fi, fantasy, romantic suspense, etc. To read really good EroRom, check out Angela Knight, Cheyenne McCray, Lora Leigh, and MaryJanice Davidson.

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