Friday, April 28, 2006

The Writer's Struggle

Words are my life. Words, I hope, will earn a living for me. So why do they come so hard sometimes?

Is it because I don't have the story plotted out well enough? Or that I have it too plotted out and have removed some of the "magic" of the storytelling?

Maybe I don't understand my characters enough to really get inside their heads.

Maybe it's hormones.

I dunno.

I have managed about 2,000 words each day so far, but it's been, well, a struggle. Maybe more so now that I have additional pressure to get this manuscript done.

But I guess that's what life is all about, right? Pressure, put on us by ourselves and by others. I've got to get used to writing under deadline. It's just... what was I thinking?!? I've got 70,000 words to write in a limited amount of time.

Oy. Well, I'll get it done. To fail is unacceptable. And so I leave you now, for today, to sit and write at least another 2,500 words. Hopefully they'll be good words. But if they're not, at least I'm writing.

Have a great one, everybody!

(P.S. It's my author day over at WCP Torrid's Readers Group. Come on over -- I'll be posting excerpts of Chocolate-Covered Werewolves, and maybe even a sneak peek at Hot Time in the City, my Summer Sizzlers story.)


Anonymous said...


Sorry things aren't going well for you. I've been off the blogs for a couple of days, work has been a killer.

The words will come, just write and don't worry if its good or not. The muse is playing games, show him you're not going to take it.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Nancy. I can always count on you for encouragement.

Sorry you've been having a difficult time at work. :( It'll get better. Soon, I hope.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Hey, Kate. I know. Peanut butter everywhere, and me without a spoon. But I'll take that hand you're offering!

Sherrill Quinn said...

Emma, I'm sorry you're having a tough time of it, too. It stinks, doesn't it? :(

For The Trees said...

Over at my blog I've posted my wrestling with the words and how they seem to be winning at times.

Then again I sit down here and I can get a BUNCH of 'em out, pretty easily. Seems to have to do with the positions of the planets, how well-fed the cats are, and how I'm holding my tongue. Try that, see if it gets any better.

I know all too well what you're going through. Just be glad that you're going through it, and it'll be over soon. Relax and let the words come out.

If **I** can relax and let'em come out, I KNOW you can!

Hugs to you,


Sherrill Quinn said...

Forrest, I think you've hit the nail on the head. I haven't been holding my mouth right. LOL

* wallflower * said...

I'm behind you all the way, Sherrill. Kate, you pull and I'll push. Or at least I'll be there at the water stop by the side of the road. It's a marathon, and you've gotta pace yourself. :)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Su! Have the water ready. :)