Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I very rarely remember my dreams. The ones I do are the ones where I wake up directly following the dream's end, thinking 'Okay. That was weird.'

Here's my dream from last night. I'm sleeping, but wake when I feel something wet trickle down my back. I reach around to wipe it off (it tickles), and my hand encounters ... something. Something soft. Something alive. Almost immediately I realize it's a snake. (And since I'm in Arizona, naturally it was a diamondback rattlesnake.) I grab it (interestingly enough, just under the head so it can't bite me) and bring it around to look at it. The only thought I have is to get it outside.

I don't recognize my surroundings. (I mean, now that I'm awake, I don't know where I was in the dream. I wasn't at home.) But it seemed to take an awfully long time to get to an outside door. And the longer it took, the madder the snake got.

Just as I finally reached a door, he'd had enough. He unhinged his jaw and somehow bent his head and sank his fangs into my hand--right in the fleshy part between thumb and forefinger. (Remember, I'm holding him so he isn't supposed to be able to do that. Lucky me. I get a mutant snake.) I toss him outside and look down at my hand, which had already started to turn bluish-purple, except where the fang marks showed as two white, raised bumps.

That's when I woke up.

Weird, huh?

Wonder what it means?


T.A.Chase said...

It is strange. I wonder what a mutant snake represents. I don't usually remember my dreams..unless they relate to the story I happen to be working on at the time.

Stacia said...

I know what Freud would say...but it's probably more to do with the way AZ is scary, with the scorpions and snakes and stuff.

* wallflower * said...

Hmm. I used to have a link for looking up key words from dreams and finding the symbolism suggestions. I'll see if I can dig it up. I've been having tornado dreams lately, and I don't usually remember my dreams either. I can see multiple tornado funnels from a high vantage point. I'm going to look that up, too. lol

Sherrill Quinn said...

You know, T.A., I don't know that I've ever dreamed about one of my stories. If I have, I don't remember it.

No, I get to dream about snakes that can freakishly bend their heads to bite me.

At least he didn't bite me on the ass. It's a bigger target, for sure.

Sherrill Quinn said...

December, yeah, I know what Freud would say, too. LOL

But I will say, I've been in Arizona for 5 1/2 years, and I've only seen 2 rattlesnakes, and they were out in a national park. Not where I live.

So what gives that I'd dream I have one in bed with me?

Sherrill Quinn said...

Su, if you find out what it means, let me know. :)

* wallflower * said...

Found the link:

I'm going there now to look up "multiple tornadoes" lol

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Su! Here's what I got:

In some cultures snakes are highly regarded and symbolize the ability to transcend into higher levels of consciousness or into areas of knowledge that exist outside perceived time and space. In the pre-Christian days, snakes were considered symbols of fertility, healing, and nurturing (the healing serpent representing a god). Post Adam and Eve, snakes are often considered symbols of temptation and evil, anger, and envy. Snakes emerging out of the ground may represent your unconscious or repressed materials coming to your conscious mind. Freud thought that the snake was a phallic symbol. It is amazing how many people have snake dreams! Most snake dreams seem to be disturbing and they leave the dreamer feeling anxious and afraid. There are no simple interpretations to the snake dreams. Each dreamer must consider their own situation and all of the details of the dream. Sometimes snakes may be phallic symbols and other times they represent negativity in our lives that hampers our progress and constantly threatens us. In the long run the snake may be a positive symbol; it may represent difficulties that lead us to the center of personality and result in feelings of completeness.

Hmmm. I'm kinda thinking, since the frickin snake bit me, that he's representative of negativity that's hampering my progress and threatening me. Now, to figure out what that is...

* wallflower * said...

Here's what I found:
In some cultures snakes are highly regarded and symbolize the ability to transcend into higher levels of consciousness or into areas of knowledge that exist outside perceived time and space. In the pre-Christian days, snakes were considered symbols of fertility, healing, and nurturing (the healing serpent representing a god). Post Adam and Eve, snakes are often considered symbols of temptation and evil, anger, and envy. Snakes emerging out of the ground may represent your unconscious or repressed materials coming to your conscious mind. Freud thought that the snake was a phallic symbol. It is amazing how many people have snake dreams! Most snake dreams seem to be disturbing and they leave the dreamer feeling anxious and afraid. There are no simple interpretations to the snake dreams. Each dreamer must consider their own situation and all of the details of the dream. Sometimes snakes may be phallic symbols and other times they represent negativity in our lives that hampers our progress and constantly threatens us. In the long run the snake may be a positive symbol; it may represent difficulties that lead us to the center of personality and result in feelings of completeness.
Sounds like stuff from a novel. ;)

As for the tornado (singular, mind you!) symbol info, this is what it said:

Tornado is a violent storm in nature, and it may represent violent emotional storms in your dreams. If you have reoccurring tornado dreams consider the emotional changes in your life and also the amount of anger and rage that you may be currently experiencing. Tornadoes could also represent disruptions and upsets in you immediate environment and specific or current issues that may be overwhelming.

Hmmm. Food for thought!

* wallflower * said...

lol -- you're quick, woman! :^)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Su, once I saw you'd put the link in, I couldn't not go look. Writing schmiting. LOL

Maya Reynolds said...

Snakes and horses were Freud's two big phallic symbols in his dream analysis.

Got a man on your mind?

Sherrill Quinn said...

Maya, not any particular man in mind, no. But... the snake bit me. If I was thinking of a man, wouldn't that mean I should stay away from him? In my dream, that bite hurt! :)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Emma, chased by a can of tomato sauce? Was he supposed to cook dinner and he'd forgotten? LOL

Faltenin said...

Ha! Snakes!

The Original Sin!

Been dreaming of Forbidden Fruit?

Sherrill Quinn said...

Fal, anything's possible. Of course, if I've been dreaming of forbidden fruit, I don't remember it. That damned snake has quite overshadowed anything else! LOL

Anonymous said...

Snakes! Eek!!

Yeah my mind immediately went to dabbling in the garden of Eden. And I know I've got men on my mind. hee-hee. But do I dream of snakes? Nope. Not at all.

My dream freaked me out last night and that's all I'm saying. Okay...I'll give two more hints: dumb ass emails.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, Jenna, were you sending or receiving the emails? Cuz there's a solution if you were the one sending them...