Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Heart Is Broken...

... for my friend, Jenna. Her dad, who was in Arizona for the winter, contracted Valley Fever 2 weeks ago. The symptoms were misdiagnosed, the fungus spread, and he passed away today.

I don't even have words.

What do you say to a woman who just lost her best friend and the man who helped shaped her into the beautiful person she is today? And living almost two thousand miles away from her, I feel completely helpless. All I can do is pray for Jenna and her family, and that doesn't feel like enough. I need to do something.

I don't know what she's going through; I am lucky enough to still have both of my parents. My father has given us a few scares and, at 79 and in not the best of health, I can't imagine we'll have him around much longer.

Jenna had an expection of being able to be with her dad for many more years to come.

So I have this to say:

Jenna, know that you're in my thoughts and my prayers, and in the tears I shed for your sorrow. Know that I'm here for you, in any way I can be, at any time, today and tomorrow. It will be a hard, long road you have to travel, but I know you'll make it. You have a loving family and loving friends who will carry you when you cannot make it on your own. Have no expectations of yourself, you will deal with this the way you need to, not the way others think you should. Remember your dad with love and affection, miss him, and know that you are a better person because of him.

And know that I love you.

(This will be my only post here for today and Monday. I'll be over at NCP Authors' blog tomorrow.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, my friend.

A hug in any way is welcome.

Sherrill Quinn said...

You've got as many hugs from me as you can stand.

For The Trees said...

Oh my God. My deepest sympathies to Jenna.

Thanks for a beautiful post, Sherrill.