Friday, February 17, 2006

Even More Good News!

Just signed contract #6 with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, which gives me a total of 9. I can't even describe how completely psyched I am about this. To think that not quite one year ago I'd started to come to the conclusion that the job I had wasn't what I wanted, the stress was killing me, but I was worried about the impact my leaving would have on employee morale. (I won't go into the details here and I hear everyone who's heard the story over and over heaving a huge, collective sigh of relief, but let's just say that from just before I started at the company and in the five years I was there, we had 9 executive staff leave--some voluntarily and some not. But 9 senior level managers in a little over 5 years--that's incredible. And employees felt it.) But there was finally a turning point (yeah, it was a knife in my back) where I said "Enough!" and handed in my resignation. Having some extra money I decided I would take some time off and write as much as I could, get myself out there, before I went to look for a job that would actually support me.

I quit on September 1st. Signed my first contract with Whiskey Creek on September 9th for my Twisted Fairy Tale novella, Dragon's Bane. And I've been writing my little heart out since then, having signed 9 contracts with 3 different publishers.

It's amazing to me that it's been 6 months already. That only gives me another 6 months before I have to start pounding the pavement for a job. Hopefully a short-term one because I want to make this writing gig work. My goal is not to get rich, just to be able to support myself. I'd cross my fingers for luck, but then I wouldn't be able to type as fast. LOL

Wow. What a ride. And it's just the beginning.

Oh, yeah. The contract I just signed with WCPT is for a Torrid Teaser called Tall, Dark & Naked. The winner of one of my contests, Anna, has the heroine named after her. :)

(BIAW was a bust yesterday. Only did about 200 words. I think I had a moment of self-sabotage when I decided to run errands yesterday morning. I know my best creative time is in the morning, yet I went driving blithely around town for 3 hours. D'oh!)


Sloane Taylor said...

Congratulations, Sherrill. You are an excellent author and shouldn't be surprised by your success.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Sloane. I have my moments where I believe in myself, usually followed by a "I don't know wtf I'm doing and someone's gonna figure that out soon." :)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, Kate, you know I have to take advantage of every minute I have available until I have to go out and get a job that will pay the bills. Then we'll see a drastic reduction of my output, I know. :(

Anonymous said...

Y'know...I'm running out of ways to say Whoo-hooo!

Sherrill Quinn said...

I'd love to say I'm running out of ways to say I've got good news, but... dang, life is good. :)