Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Am Past Reforming

Talking to my brother G last night, who I thought was okay with me writing spicy romances, and I found out differently without him saying a word. I was telling him about Mom finding out. He says that K, his wife, basically thinks the same thing, which I already knew. Then he said, "You know, if you have an excerpt you could send to her, so she could read it, it might show her it's not as explicit as she thinks." To which I responded, "Um, I think it will show her it's exactly what she thinks it is."

Then there was a huge, uncomfortable silence, after which he said, "Well. Okay. Well, I guess we'll see you for lunch tomorrow, then." (We'd started the conversation by making plans to get together for lunch.)

Hoo-boy. Another one bites the dust. Of the family members who know what I'm writing, I have one supporter. My sister. My brother and sister-in-law apparently think I'm going to hell. My other brother and his wife don't know (at least, as far as I know they don't know), and if they did, they'd be sure I was going to hell. Don't know if my dad knows. I think he'd be okay with it. Hell, he reads porn, so why not?!? (But, then, according to my sister-in-law he's going to hell anyway, so he might not be the best person to point to.) LOL

I have to say, it's rather disheartening to finally find my stride, to be doing something I thoroughly love doing, and have my family be so down on me about it.

But that's okay. I'm doing what I want to do. It's not hurting anyone. And if I can help a few people escape reality with one or more of my books, what's the problem?

Okay, that's enough of my pitiful whining. Come on over to Torrid Temptations and play with me today. It's my author day. So go here.


For The Trees said...

Well, I guess I'm lucky. At 59, all my family's dead or crazy, and I don't have to worry about them. Mostly because they KNOW I'm crazy. Being bipolar DOES have its advantages.

My sister, however, thinks I'm finally doing what I should have been doing all along. Well, at least she is supportive. My brother? He's gone evangelical and doesn't approve of me because I use the f word in my stories. (twice in 80,000 words.)

So who's to know what the family is gonna think? I say, go with what your heart says and live for YOU. They can't live your life for you, nor would you want them to. Release yourself and WRITE!

Hugs to you.


Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Forrest. I am moving full speed ahead. I'm doing something I love and I'm happy. If they can't be happy for me, that's their perogative. And their problem, not mine.

Anonymous said...

Don't let 'em tramp on your dreams, not even their attitudes. Maybe offer them a copy anyway so they know you don't write your dad's porn but erotic romance. Or be the scandalous baby of the family. I had the best time at my parents' anniversary party flashing my review from JERR around, especially when people who have known me my entire life saw what JERR stood for.

We're rebels. Rebels!!!!

Sherrill Quinn said...

I guess I'm gonna be the scandalous baby of the family. :)

Not a word was brought up at lunch. So... we're all gonna pretend that they're okay with what I'm doing. Works for me. LOL

Sherrill Quinn said...

I stopped by the old workplace after lunch. One of the guys saw me (he's a good guy, very sweet--married, of course!) and asked when the book was coming out. My brother still works there and has been telling people I'm writing.

I was happy to tell the guy that my first one comes out on 2/20! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like your brother is supporting you, he just doesn't understand what you write. Much like my mom who, after reading the first sex scene in Midnight Hour decided she'd tell people I was published but not in what. lol.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, he seems to be. But he's been talking me up before we had the conversation that his wife's suspicions about how explicit my writing is, is probably right. :)