Friday, June 23, 2006

Obsidian's Flame...

... is in the hands of my critique group. If you've been tracking my progress meter on the right sidebar of my blog, you'll see it is finito! It took a bit longer to finish than I'd like--I had company, then I got sick, and even after I was on the mend I couldn't seem to concentrate. Thankfully... I got better. LOL

So, now it's onto the next project. I'm thinking of trying a short to submit to Ellora's Cave for their 2007 Cavemen series. I've got my critique group roped into a brainstorming session next week. I've got a glimmer of an idea and a rough outline, but I need some help with character goals and motivation. These women are fantabulous at that, so I've got no worries there!

And, of course, I'm still working on Beyond the Beast--I'm now over 50% through, and I think I'm finally getting back into the groove with it. Yay!

"Never mistake activity for achievement." ~John Wooden


Stacia said...

The new screen's a little wide for me, too, Sherrill.

Congrats on finishing the book!

smr said...

Just exactly how many hours are there in YOUR day, Sherrill? *G* I can't even THINK that many creative thoughts in a day, let alone put them down in words! (The voices in my head have stopped completely now.) *patting Sherrill on the back* Well done, keep up the good work, and BRAVA! :^)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, December. It was just a short novella, but still, it feels good to have it done. :)

Hey, Su. I have the same amount of hours as anyone else, it's just I have very few people making demands on my time--and none of them live with me, so I usually can work uninterrupted. I'm sorry the words have left you--they'll come back when they're supposed to. :)