Friday, June 16, 2006

The Businessman

So many times, we erotic romance authors write our heroes as men who are in dangerous or physical jobs: cops, firefighters, Navy S.E.A.L.S., cowboys. Or we make them preternatural: vampires, werewolves, hunky faes...

But what about our white collar heroes? Our suit-wearing attorneys, CEOs and, dare I submit, accountants?

While there's something about a man in uniform, there's also something about a man in a crisp suit or, better yet, a man not quite in his crisp suit...

Holy Hannah! Doesn't that just make you want to unbuckle that belt and see what else he's hiding? Follow that little happy trail of hair below his belly button to the treasure lying beneath...

"Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer." ~Swami X


Caffey said...

Oh your pics are killing me! I remember reading a story and the hero was a plumber and wow, one hot story! So all are heros are no matter what their job is!

Sherrill Quinn said...

As long as that plumber's not showing off his butt crack... LOL