Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I just received an email from the Executive Editor at Whiskey Creek Press, offering me two contracts for stories to be submitted in the Summer Sizzlers and Fall Fires anthologies.

Ay carumba!

Since September 9th, when I signed my first contract for Dragon's Bane, I've now received six contracts.


Five (so far) with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, which comprise one novella and four short stories, and one (so far) novella with Liquid Silver Books.

Five plus one equals six.


What a lovely number six is. Almost as good as seven...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sherrill!

muttering under breath: (god damn it, boys, let's get the lead out!)

Well deserved - we're in 3 books together. Gawd damn...what was the boss lady thinking? mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

Anonymous said...

What the heck did you do? Do you know what's happening? Have you read what my boys are going to do because of this? What have you done? Dear God, what have you done?!

BTW - apparently you should get a kevlar vest for Urian. Chaz is, um, a little volatile when he's upset.

j;) (sobbing into her hands, worried about her muse with a rope)

Sherrill Quinn said...

You don't need to worry 'bout Urian, my friend. He's Greek, you know. He's like this (crossing index and middle fingers) with the gods. Your boys better behave or they might end up with a lightening bolt up their collective asses.

Not Urian's fault that Jack's being a slacker. Jack's just been hanging out with the Dagger boys instead of working. They should be lookin' at him, not Urian.

For The Trees said...

Wowser Dowsers! Congratulations, Sherrill!! All you had to do was want to be a self-supporting writer and POOF!! Contract City!!

I'm very, VERY happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey...you leave my Jack alone. Every single bloody male voice in my head just growled. Thanks, friend. Thanks

Sherrill Quinn said...

When it comes to protecting my Muse, the gloves are off. You just tell those boys to leave Urian alone.

He knows Zeus. Unless they wanna get a lightening bolt in a very uncomfortable place... they'll get out of their frickin' Inner Sanctum and help Jack and you get to work!

Anonymous said...

You called me a wuss!?

I don't believe it.

A wuss!

So how come all of a sudden he knows Greek Gods, hm? He didn't yesterday or the day before that.

Chaz is trying to get in on this but let's not.

Chaz, stepping up (more like bulldozing through): You. Leave. Sweet. Thing. A. Lone.

Chaz can't touch Urian. Mostly cuz I like to look at him. And it's all about me. Clearly. lol.

Oh dear. I think I better go give all my heroes some sex with their heroines because there's waaaay too much testoterone here. Or we could let them all duke it out and have a margharita. Boys are such a pain. And amen on the Inner Sanctum. Clods. Yeah, you heard me, Dagger Boys - clods. (I am so freakin' tough)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, Jenna, you were the one who pissed and moaned about the boys not talking to you, and then you finally got up the nerve to invade the Inner Sanctum.

Of course, I will admit, walking into that dark place with a guy playing with guns (or is it knives?) would make me a little nervous, too. But I didn't spend 20 years in HR and learn to be more aggressive.

When I introduced Urian, did I leave out that little fact that he was tight with the gods? I guess I just assumed it would be... assumed. I mean, he's a Greek Muse. Muses know gods. Ergo, Urian knows the gods.

The fact that he's so close to the big honcho himself I saved for a rainy day. :)

smr said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! WOW! Congratulations X 6!!!!!! :^) *reaching across the country to touch Sherrill and hope something rubs off on me* ~Su

Anonymous said...

Yay Sherrill! You ROCK! You're DEFINITELY and inspiration to me and the rest of your fans. I am soooo happy for you. This is absolutely fantastic!!


Sherrill Quinn said...

Thanks, Lauren. I'm enjoying myself. If I can help others as I go along, all the better!

Sherrill Quinn said...

Su, if I could let some of it rub off on you, I would!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sherrill!!!

You go girl. I'm so very ahppy for you and look forward to each and every book.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord, Sherrill.

Derrick has entered the fray. It's Muse Mutiny! On the other hand I have a naked Derrick in my kitchen.


Unfortunately by the Code, I must return him.

Rule #4: Thou cannot covet another's muse and cannot keep which does not belong to you. Damn Code.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, you'd better return him, but quick! Urian just took off (damn, but he's mighty fine looking from behind) and I'm pretty darned sure I know where he's headed.

Sherrill Quinn said...

You'd better head on over to Reflections. Of course, you know what happened, since you were there (read the post, honey)...

Sloane Taylor said...


Life is good, isn't it?