Saturday, December 17, 2005


Today marks the 2-year mark of being car accident free.

Let me explain why this is such a big deal:

In May 2003, I was driving to work and a young woman, rather than abide by traffic laws, decided to follow the flow of traffic and turned left in an intersection where I clearly had the right of way (i.e., the green light). I swerved to avoid hitting her, and she T-boned me. Crashed right between the driver and passender doors of my 10-year old Chevy Lumina.

I wasn't hurt. Elevated blood pressure, as you can imagine, but no injuries. She was taken away in an ambulance, but I've no idea of her injuries. My insurance company gave me $3,000 (less my $250 deductible) to fix my 10-year old car. I was actually very surprised that they didn't total it; I mean, it was 10 years old.

Rather than fix the car, I used the money as a down-payment on a new car. New for me, anyway--a two-year old Acura 3.2 CL. Got $200 trade-in on my Lumina.

So, about two to three months later I'm driving this beautiful gold-colored Acura (got one that wouldn't show dirt as much. Seeing as I live in a desert, cars get really dirty really fast around here!) to work one morning. A guy in a Ford F-150 (big, honkin' pick-up truck) changed lanes in front of me so he wouldn't get stuck behind a bus, then promptly slammed on his brakes because some little rat-dog was in the street. (It was a Pekinese or a Pomeranian or some stupid little P-dog.)

Can you guess what happened? I bet you can. My brand new car, on which I'd made a total of two or three car payments... I rear-ended the guy. $2,000 damage to the front-end of my car, $0 to his frickin' truck. The only hint that he'd been in an accident was the gold paint on his trailer hitch.

I get my car back. I'm driving more carefully, but still probably more offensive than defensive. My sister came out to spend Christmas with me. We were on our way to Costco, I'm in the right turn lane. Traffic in the other two lanes was at a standstill because of an accident that had happened in the intersection.

Can you guess what happened? I bet you can. Some guy in a small SUV pulled through the two lanes of traffic and right across my path. Didn't inch his way out to make sure it was clear. No.





I'm doing 30 miles per hour. Slammed on the brakes, but it was way too late. $7,000 worth of damages and a severely sprained ankle later...

Oy. Three accidents in seven months. Two of them in my NEW CAR.

If the experts are right and most people are in a car accident every 10 years of their lives, I'm good to go until I'm 70.

Of course, I am about due to sprain an ankle. I do it generally every two years. Not on purpose--it just happens. But it's an equal opportunity thing, though. Two years ago in the car accident it was my right ankle. That means this time it'll be my left ankle.

What can I say? It's a talent.


Landra Douglas said...

Oh. My. Stars.

Three accidents? Seven months?

I think the insurance agent in me just had a heart attack.

Quick! Go knock on some wood. Now that you said that you have been accident free, you could have sorely jinxed yourself, m'dear. After all, Murphy was an optimist.

Really... be careful driving for the next week... Tucson traffic is wicked right now with all of those "sno-birds". (Really, me thoughts are if they are birds... why isn't there a hunting season? But I digress...)


Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, I'm a firm believer that positive thinking AND the laws of probability cancel out Murphy's Law. Plus a lot of crossed fingers and prayers. LOL

No, really, as you can imagine, I've become a much more defensive driver than before. One thing I forgot to mention is that cars that tend to be in the most accidents are painted...

You got it. Gold. Silver. Light colors like that.

So, I now drive with my lights on all the time. And I expect people to pull out in front of me or turn left in front of me when there's really not enough time, etc. So I'm not surprised when they do, and I've already slowed down a bit.

Hard lesson learned.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Oh, and a hunting season for the snow birds is an excellent idea!

Anonymous said...

And you want Kate & I to get in a car with you?

Are you mad?

I'm anticipating a doozy of a wounding tomorrow since this seems to be "my" week. I have two things going against me tomorrow that will aid in my wounding. I'm going to Heritage Park with Bro so I'll probably slip. Probably? Definitely. And I'm lacking serious cushioning on my bum now thanks to Jenny Craig so I'll hurt myself. That's possibility #1. #2 is that I'm helping Bro et al decorate their tree tomorrow. So - sharp hooks - me.

heck I 'm even concerned today when I take my empties to the bottle depot but I rarely (cough) hurt myself two days in a row and since I seem to be operating every 48 hours...I'm due tomorrow.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Okay, but, Jenn, you missed the part about "I'm good to go until I'm 70."

That's another 28 years. So you'll be perfectly safe in the car with me. Although, if you and I get together, we'll be lucky if someone doesn't hurt something... the laws of probability and all that.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you've been accident free for 2 years. 3 in 7 months, you deserve some time off from accidents.

I'm with you, I'm surprised the insurance company didn't total your car.

I had a bad accident over 5 years ago. Sitting at a red light after having a relaxing dinner with my mom. This guy comes out of no where and re-ends me. Luckily neither my mom or myself were hurt (just bruises), I had bucket seats and the impact broke both seats (it was a miracle we weren't hurt) because when I saw the police report my car had moved 17 1/2 feet from impact. My car was 11 years old, and the insurance company totalled it and for over a month I shook each time I got into the car to drive.

The car that was totaled was a Nissan Sentra two months later I bought a Dodge Durango.

Keep safe.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, Nancy, I'll confess. After my last accident I wished I could afford a Hummer. Then it'd be, "Wanna turn left in front of me? Go ahead." And I'd just roll right over them.

Alas, I can't afford a Hummer or the gas it would take to run the monster. But the thought was nice...

For The Trees said...

Damn, give a whole new meaning to the phrase "coming together."

Sherrill Quinn said...

Ha! Forrest, for the longest time my mom's nickname was "Crash", because she ran into the edge of a bridge. Some guy was tailgating her and she kept looking in her rearview mirror and just sort of drifted too far to the right.

Good thing the nickname was already taken...

For The Trees said...

Well, if Mom is "Crash," then you know you've got it in your, genes. And then maybe you just like to make a first impression a lasting one.