Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Once More Into The Breach

Urian just left, and he's up to no good, I just know it. All I got was a flash of naked buttock as my Muse stalked out of the house. (Yes, even when he's "poofing away" somewhere, he stalks. One of those loose-hipped, rolling kind of predator-stalking-prey walks. Grrrowf!) I know where he's gone off to: the Inner Sanctum, where Jenna's Muse Jack has been hanging out. Where Kate's Muse Derrick sauntered off to late last night. (To get caught up on the shenanigans these guys are trying to pull, check out Jenna's post yesterday at Afterthoughts, and Kate's post at The Confessional.)

The last I knew, Jenna had just walked in and seen Derrick there, and had promised to send him on home, because of the Universal Code of the Guild of Muses (usually just called the "Code"). Muses are more organized than you might think. Anyway, Item Four of sub-paragraph B (commonly referred to as "Rule #4") of the Code states uneqivocably that "Thou cannot covet another's Muse and cannot keep that which does not belong to you." So Jenna was going to send Derrick back...

Jenna: Derrick, you can't stay here. You have to go back to Kate.

Derrick: Aw, come on, babe. I came over to negotiate.

Jenna: Negotiate what?

Derrick: (glancing at a clock on the wall) Well, if I know Urian, and I do, he's on his way over here. So I figured I'd try to nip things early, negotiate a truce between him and Jack. (He cocks an eyebrow at the Dagger boys, who are in various poses around the room.) If I can keep these effin morons out of it.

Chaz: (growls) Back off, pretty boy. You're a fine one to talk, showing up naked.

Derrick: You're just jealous, cuz you ain't got--

Jenna: Boys, boys. Pluu-eeze. (She glares at Derrick.) Go. Home. NOW.

There's a knock on the door. Chaz stomps over and yanks it open, then scowls to see Urian standing there wearing nothing but a shit-eating grin and holding a bottle of booze.

Chaz: Oh, for cryin' out loud. What is it with you nancy-pants prancing around naked? Somebody get another towel.

Derrick smirks while Jack turns and heads to the bathroom once more. Jack tosses a towel to Urian, who shrugs and wraps it around his hips, securing it at his waist. He starts to head over to the sofa, but is stopped by a low growl from Chaz.

Chaz: Don't even think about parking your ass on my leather couch (pointing to another straight-backed chair by Derrick). Sit with the other nancy-pants there.

Jenna: (hands on her hips) Guys, please don't do this to me. Kate and Sherrill are gonna get pissed if they don't have their Muses handy. (Points to Derrick, then Urian.) You two: go home.

Urian: But I brought ouzo.

(to be continued...)


Anonymous said...

I got to say, those muse's are really bad boys. Its making mine take notice (not a good thing).

Okay, ladies get these guys back under control or we'll all start having trouble with the muse's.


Anonymous said...

I love Chaz. He's such a problem solver.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Yeah. Now I have a sulking Muse on my hands, but at least he's lost the towel.

And he's staying put. I mean it. No, Urian. You sit down. Stay.

Good boy.

Anonymous said...

Now why does Urian need to be a good boy? :)

My muse is now deciding that he needs to shed his clothes as well. I keep trying to convince him, this isn't a good thing while I'm trying to do my day job. Tonight is a different matter.


Sherrill Quinn said...

Urian's been sitting on my sofa, well, sprawled, really, and he's finally fessed up.

He says... Jack started the whole thing with Calliope. But before anybody gets nervous and the Dagger boys pull out any weapons, he also said that Achilles is so over Calliope. She's pretty fickle. You know how Muses are.

I'll see what more I can get out of him.