Monday, March 26, 2007

Join Me At Deliciously Naughty

I'm blogging about teamwork over at the Deliciously Naughty Writers' blog. Please come over and let's chat.

But to make it worth your while for stopping here today, check this out:

First of all, get a load of this guy's arms and shoulders. Growwwwwwf! But...padded butt underwear? And they say guys aren't as vain as women...

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~Plato


Two Voices Publishing said...

Maybe the padding is to protect is butt from all the woman who want to grab a feel. LOL

Sherrill Quinn said...

LOL Bernadette/Jennifer. You may have it right there.

Sam said...

I have those shoulders... almost those arms.... and a killer butt that needs no padding!
(Of course, there's that middle part WITH the padding *sigh*)

Sherrill Quinn said...

LOL Sam. That middle part with the padding is just a part of aging, buddy. Aging and genetics. There's only so much you can do unless you work out 5-6 hours a day. And unless you're a professional model/actor/etc., who has time to do that?