Saturday, March 31, 2007

Daniel Craig/James Bond

I have loved James Bond ever since I first saw Sean Connery play him in Dr. No. (And, no, I didn't see it the year it came out. I wasn't even born yet.) Then along came George Lazenby, with just the one movie (On Her Majesty's Secret Service). Didn't float my boat especially. Then pretty boy Roger Moore took on the role. Come on, we all knew that was just The Saint pretending to be James Bond, right? (Or cousin Beau Maverick if you want to go back even further.) Timothy Dalton took over, and I thought he did an okay job of it. Then Remington Steele came along and pretended to be James Bond. Don't get me wrong. I like Pierce Brosnan, and I thought he did a fine job at being Bond, but... Sean still held my heart.

Until...Daniel Craig.

The man has the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen. And, I'll admit, I'm in lust with his mouth, too. Though he does look a bit goofy when he smiles. Why is that?

The first time I saw Casino Royale, I was won over to this new James Bond. He's gritty. I like that. He's also a hunka-hunka manflesh:

Of course, when I watched the movie a second time, there were all sorts of plot holes and implausibilities that I caught. That second time around I watched it with two of my critique partners, and we all agreed that none of us would let the other ones get away with stuff like that in our books. LOL (For example, when Vesper is lying tied up in the middle of the road and James has to swerve to avoid her, the comment was, "Silly woman. Why doesn't she scoot off the road? She had time.")

But, there were definitely other moments that made up for the ones that made my writer's heart wince. Like this one:

This was one of the most sensual, sensitive scenes I've seen in a long time. And...dayum, but that man looks fine in a wet shirt. LOL

If you've seen this movie, what did you think?

"I have no armor left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me...Whatever is left--whatever I am--is yours." ~Daniel Craig as James Bond, Casino Royale


Angela's Designs said...

I haven't seen it yet, but been meaning too. I have it on the Netflix list.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Oh, Annalee, you have to watch it ASAP. It's great!

Anonymous said...

I liked the movie Sherrill. The new Bond does have grit, but a little too cold(and I'm not meaning his body ;)-I liked those parts ) for my taste. The Bonds of the past all had the sexual allure for me. I didn't feel it with this one. But he was nice to look at :P and he did a great job with all the action scenes. I've watched it twice :D

Sherrill Quinn said...

Well, you know I always thought Sean Connery's James Bond was cold--he didn't think twice about smacking a woman.