Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dress For The Job You Want...

...not the job you have. In my working life as a Human Resources professional, I can't tell you how many times I've given that advice. What does it mean? If you're a secretary but want to be a manager, then you should dress professionally (i.e., no short skirts, no low-cut blouses or tight shirts, understated jewelry, etc. If you're a guy, wear a suit and tie.). If you're a manager and want to be a VP, same thing.

I think this advice can be used with writers, too. I don't mean you need to get up and put on a suit to sit behind your computer at home and write. Me, I still prefer my pjs when I do that. LOL But when you're promoting, whether it's in person or over the Internet, you should act the part. And that goes much deeper than what you're wearing. It's the way you talk (or write messages), your publicity material, your query letter, and your website. After all, first impressions are lasting impressions. Make sure the first impression people get of you is one of professionalism, neatness and a definite "Wow! I need to read this person's book/represent this author."

Because we do judge a book by its cover. So be the best book you can be.

"I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up." ~Beverly Sills

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