Tipsy Tuesday
We had another great RWA chapter meeting on Saturday. I can't stress this enough--if you write romantic fiction or some other genre with romantic elements, you need to join your local RWA chaper (if there is one) or an online chapter. Check RWA National to find a listing of chapters.
One of the topics covered at our meeting was Characterization by Pamela Tracy. What I found the most helpful was this formula: Character=Class+Distinguishing Characteristics. So, for example, with the Cinderella story we start with
Cinderella=beloved daughter+happy life with no expectations
and work our way through to the end of
Cinderella=princess+happily ever after.
Parallel the characterization of Prince Charming with Cinderella's, and we start with
Prince Charming=beloved son+great expectations
and work our way through to the end of
Prince Charming=prince+happily ever after.
Sometimes the two main characters end up with common items (i.e., "beloved daughter" and "beloved son"), but sometimes they are opposite (i.e., "no expectations" and "great expectations"). See what you can do with yours.