Saturday, July 21, 2007

Favorite Fictional Characters

There are a lot of people right now going crazy with the latest (and perhaps last, if JK Rowling holds true to her word) Harry Potter book. I'll admit--I haven't read any of them, and I've only seen two of the movies. *shrug* I just don't get that excited about things, I guess. When there's hype I don't pay much attention.

But this got me to thinking about some of my favorite fictional characters. Two of mine are much, much older than Harry Potter. One was created in 1897 and the other ten years earlier. I'm talking, of course, about Dracula and Sherlock Holmes.

Two completely different characters--one being cast as the epitome of evil, the other as the relentless pursuer and bringer to justice of evil--especially when it concerned Professor James Moriarty.

As a side note, Fred Saberhagen wrote several books with Dracula as the main character (The Dracula Tape, An Old Friend of the Family, A Matter of Taste, A Sharpness on the Neck, and my favorite--Holmes-Dracula File).

Who are your favorite fictional characters?

"May I congratulate you on thinking of wooden bullets? I had begun to believe all Englishmen were fools." ~Dracula, in the Holmes-Dracula File


Sam said...

Would you believe I read that book that hinted at a family link between Dracula and Holmes? I thought it was pretty cool :-D

Sherrill Quinn said...

Yep, Sam, that's a good one. :)