Wednesday, September 01, 2010


My agent is coming to Tucson for my local RWA chapter's November meeting. She'll be talking with us about the publishing industry and more specifically what works and what doesn't in query letters and pitches. She'll also be taking one-on-one pitches from members who have a complete manuscript ready to go.

When I asked her to verify what fiction genres she was interested in, her response was "I'm more interested in the author than the genre." For her, it's the author's voice that matters, the way the author tells the story than what the actual story is about. Not all agents are like that. Many niche themselves in specific genres, which is fine. It just saves a writer time to know who doesn't represent the book they've just written.

My point is: if your story is the best it can be, that's what's going to sell you to an agent. Not the genre.


Colleen Love said...

It all goes back to staying true to yourself, doesn't it?:) Write what you love and love what you write. :)

Hope you have a great time!

Sherrill Quinn said...

You're right, Colleen. :) Thanks.