Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tipsy Tuesday

Today's tip: You need to network. Just like in any other profession, it's important to establish relationships with people in your industry--other writers, editors and agents. Is it easy?

Hell, no. I remember the first meeting I went to of my local RWA chapter. I knew absolutely no one. Taking a deep breath, I told myself to put my HR hat on and pretend it was a business meet and greet, and do what I did at those. So I started walking up to strangers and introducing myself. (And that was very, very difficult, believe me!) After about the fourth person looked at me like I was a crazy person, I gave up and went to an empty table, put my stuff down and sat down, figuring I'd talk to whoever else decided to sit at my table. Thankfully, the group proved to be a very friendly, open one, and I've made a lot of friends in the three years between then and now.

I've also had opportunity to talk to senior editors (from Harlequin and Silhouette) and well-established authors (Vicki Lewis Thompson, Roz Denny Fox, Brenda Novak and others). It's been invaluable!

So, if there's a local writers group you can join, please do! And I hope your experience has been as good as mine!

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