The Future Is Now
If you ever doubted that the future of technology is alive and well today, take a look at this:
Isn't that incredible? And for you Stargate fans, doesn't that little robot look disturbingly familiar...?
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If you ever doubted that the future of technology is alive and well today, take a look at this:
Mused by
Sherrill Quinn
6:08 AM
A replicator!
Ooh, creepy.
Putting my inner nerd back in her box. :o)
Hope you're feeling better, Sherrill.
Hey, Maria! I'm doing a lot better. I've ordered a different mouse for work (it's a vertical mouse, with the buttons on the right side so my hand will stay in a neutral position). Still have some discomfort because I still have to use the old mouse, but I'm trying to stay off it as much as possible. Hopefully next week our IT guy will get me hooked up. :)
Isn't that little robot creepy? And guess what else? If you *really* want to get creeped out and feel like you're living in the Stargate world, check this out:
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