Friday, September 30, 2005

Vampires, Shapeshifters and Others, Oh My!

What is it about the supernatural that draws us so?

Let's start with vampires. Not too long ago, on an author's yahoo! group to which I belong, someone commented that she just didn't get others' fascination with vampires. Undead, blood-sucking... ew (to paraphrase). But there is something fascinating and forbidden about love with a vampire. To let a man with sharp teeth and extreme strength close to your neck (or any other part of your body) is to open yourself to danger. Potentially. If he's the hero of the story, he'll use his vampiric abilities and strength to protect the heroine. To enhance their lovemaking. But there's still that element of danger...

Then there's the furry boys. Shapeshifters. Werewolves, werecats (werelions, werepanthers, weretigers, werejaguars), werebirds (werehawks, wereeagles), werebunnies... Okay, okay. No werebunnies. I have a really hard time picturing any Alpha male as a werebunny. Maybe a werejackalope? Kidding! I'm just kidding. But, in all seriousnesss, as with vampires, shapeshifters present a heroine with a sense of peril. One slash from razor-sharp claws, and she's dinner. But they're also innately sensual, so watch out.

Finally, the Others. Witches, faeries, humans with extraordinary abilities.

Some of my favorite authors write of vampires, shapeshifters, and Others. Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, JR Ward, Angela Knight, Christine Warren, Amanda Ashley. And more. If you haven't read anything by one of these writers, and you love the supernatural, try them. (Note: Angela Knight and Christine Warren write erotic romance, so be prepared for a very sizzling read.)


Anonymous said...

It's the grrr factor, Sherrill. Anything with a grrr factor is...oooh-la.

And there are few rules with grrr guys. Maybe the moon causes wolfie to change or maybe he does it. Maybe your vampire can walk during the day or he doesn't "die" when he sleeps.

And they're fun. They can get away with so much more than a traditional hero can. Gotta problem with the baddie? Rrrrip out his throat. Gotta wolfie on the make for an ovulatin' female? Sniff her out. They pretty much shrug their woo-woo shoulders and go "Rules? What rules? I'm a baaaaad creature of the night."

Gotta love the vamps and shifters. They're just so freakin' grrr.

Sherrill Quinn said...

You are so right, Jenna. They're the bad boys of bad boys. Yummmm.