Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Blog, It Be Personal

Over the last couple of months I've seen people snarking about what other people write on their blogs--sometimes quite angrily and to the blogger's face, so to speak. And while some blogs I've come across have raised my eyebrows at what's being said (especially authors who are railing against their publishers/agents/readers, you name it), there is one fundamental truth I realize.

It's their blogs--it's their prerogative to say whatever they want.

Even if it is potentially career-threatening.

Here's the thing. When I started blogging two years ago (or is it three now?) I decided I was going to, for the most part, have a blog for the general public (i.e., readers). Every now and again I will post something that may be of interest primarily to writers, but it's rare. Of course, writers are readers, too, so there's always something here for them. But if I decided one morning that I was going to devote every Tuesday to a political rant (which I'm not!), well, it's my blog. I can do what I want to with it.

One blog I go to nearly every day purely for the entertainment value is Joe Mallozzi's blog. (He's a writer/producer and one of the show runners of Stargate Atlantis.) Joe blogs about his dogs, the food he eats (he frequents some really fine restaurants in Vancouver, it seems), books he's reading and, often, what went on at his day job (which is, frankly, what's most interesting to me. I love reading the behind-the-scenes stuff and some of what goes into making a TV show.) And I've seen people complaining that he's not spending enough time blogging about the Stargate world. (Especially that he doesn't give enough information/pictures about the John Sheppard character, played by Joe Flanigan. My current lust-puppy. LOL. I'll admit, I'm a lurker--I have yet to comment on his blog even though I've been visiting it for a few months now.)

Well, it's his blog. It be personal. He can blog about whatever he wants to.

I've had writer friends who have been personally attacked for something they wrote on their blog, because they shared their opinion about something that was important to them.

Why is it that people are becoming less tolerant rather than more? Is it the impersonal nature of blogging and emailing that makes people ignore their self-edit buttons so that they spew vitriol at a complete stranger over something that (usually) isn't worth spending the energy getting upset about?

*sigh* I don't get it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Maria Zannini said...

Without a doubt the anonymity the web gives people a false sense of bravado. They say things they would otherwise be mum about if they had to face the person directly.

I will not judge people who think differently than I do. But if they spew venom or constantly rant without the benefit of accurate statistics, I will eventually take them off my reader.

We should all be able to blog about what we want. If someone takes issue with our topics, then he should move on and build his own blog.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it either. Sure, I might disagree with people but, hello? I also believe people have the right to their own opinions even they aren't MY opinions.

People are just strange!

And thanks for the tip about Joseph Mallozzi's blog!

Sherrill Quinn said...

Maria, you're right on all counts. For some people, the lack of accountability (or should I say, seeming accountability) gives them a sense of freedom that goes to their head. Or, rather, doesn't, since they don't seem to think before they harangue.

Even if people rant *with* the benefit of accurate statistics, at some point you just have to agree to disagree and move on, right?

Hope you're feeling better on this your release day! (Go to http://mariazannini.com to read more about Maria's first book!)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Tori, you're quite welcome. Just don't go there looking for information or pics of Joe Flanigan, cuz Joe Mallozzi doesn't usually share those. :)