Saturday, September 02, 2006

Guardian Angels

Warning: I'm not treating this subject seriously here (big surprise here, that I'm not being serious...). If you're really "into" angels and don't appreciate the subject being treated lightly, don't read on. If you read on and are offended, don't say I didn't warn you...

Guardian angels. Are there such things? Even with my religious upbringing, I'm not sure I believe everyone has their own personal guardian angel. Of course, if they all looked like this beautiful angel, I might adjust my thinking...


"I'm no angel, but I've spread my wings a bit." ~Mae West


Sam said...

Well, I have a guardian angel, but SHE's built a little differently.


Anna J. Evans said...

I don't want a Guardian Angel...wouldn't want someone around making me be good all the time when it's so much fun being naughty, lol. Anna J. Evans

Sherrill Quinn said...

Sam, you're a funny man. *G*

Sherrill Quinn said...

Anna, but if your guardian angel is naughty, too...? LOL