Saturday, July 07, 2007

Movie Quotes - Continued


I haven't played this game in a while, and it's fun, so...

Here we go! I've listed a number of lines from movies below. If you know one or two, leave a comment with the number of the quote and the movie it's from. I'll update the blog when I get home tonight, showing the first person who correctly guessed the movie by putting the movie and the person's name in red beside the corresponding quote. Now, no cheating--no doing a search on the line!

Name that movie:

1. "If you were a dork, you should say you're sorry. Girls like that." ~The American President (Stephanie)
2. "I'm drowning here, and you're describing the water!"
3. "I've been dead once already; it's very liberating." ~Batman (Sam)
4. "I don't make things difficult. That's the way they get, all by themselves."
5. "He would have to have an enormous Schwanstooker."
6. "What wouldn't I do for the right guy?" ~Practical Magic (Stephanie)
7. "Wow, that was just like 'Carrie'! I thought she was gonna kills us all." ~Never Been Kissed (Stephanie)
8. "Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." ~Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Sam)
9. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." ~Men In Black (Stephanie B.)
10. "I picked a helluva day to quit drinkin'." ~Airplane (Sam) but also....?
11. "Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Groundhog Day (Sue A.)
12. "I have no armor left. You've stripped it from me." ~Casino Royale (Sam)
13. "If I give you another face lift, you're gonna be able to blink your lips." ~First Wives Club (Shawna)
14. "When a man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross!"

Know one of these? Leave a comment--let's have some fun!

"I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it." ~Mae West


Stephanie said...

1. The American President - Took me a sec but I could her Lucy's voice in my head - It's one of my Mom's fave movies lol
6. Practical Magic - This movie I love (cough*romanticeparanormal*cough) plus it was just on the other day LOL

Sherrill Quinn said...

Stephanie, you're right. On both counts. :)

Sam said...

3 is Batman! (Jack Nicholson (sp) as the Joker!) Had to think really hard :-)

Sherrill Quinn said...

Yay, Sam! You got it right. :)

I'll give you a hint. #2 is also a line spoken by Jack Nicholson...