Monday, July 17, 2006

Hie Ho, Hie Ho...

... it's off to work I go. Dammit.

No, actually, this is pretty good news, for being bad news. LOL

Last September, as many of you know, I was in a position to quit my job. Which I did. My plan all along has been to take one year to focus full-time on my writing, before the money was partially depleted and I'd have to go back to a day job. The closer I've gotten to September, the less I wanted to go back to work full-time. I have enough still in my savings to take me another year without working, more than that if I went back to work part-time.

So, I got a call Wednesday from a former boss (not the one who I quit!), asking me if I'd come to work for her starting 1 day a week. The idea is to work up to us job-sharing, with each of us working 2 1/2 days per week, probably by September or October. Right on my timeline. My first day is tomorrow. Initially I'll be working one day a week while she's there, then my one day a week will be on Friday, the day she doesn't work. And she's really flexible, so if I need to switch around days because of author commitments, she'll work with me.

It can't get much better than that! And thankfully I'm still in a position financially that if this turns out not to be as good as I think it will be, I can quit. Again. LOL

**UPDATE: 10:45 a.m. PST. My new/old boss just called to ask if I could start next week instead of this week. Like I was all excited to be going back to work to begin with. LOL While she has the owner's verbal okay to hire me, she wants his John Hancock on the hiring form, just to be sure. You know, it's the old CYA syndrome, which I completely understand. See, she's the one who hired me on the job I quit back in September. When she quit (because she couldn't take the boss anymore), I took over her job. I lasted 3 1/2 years in it, before I quit, too (because I couldn't take the boss anymore). Sooooo... I understand making sure you have verifiable proof that you had permission to do what you did. Otherwise, the excrement hits the oscillating unit and splats right back on you!**

On another note, I've started the second book in the Praetorian's series. I still haven't settled on a title. Hopefully it'll come to me by the time I finish it. *G*

"I believe that sex is a beautiful thing between two people. Between five, it's fantastic." ~Woody Allen

1 comment:

Sherrill Quinn said...

That's what I'm thinking, Emma. I told my new/old boss that I didn't want something that I'd be taking home with me, either physically by carrying papers home or mentally. She assured me the minute I walk out the door I can forget it. :)